Portfolio Management

Two portfolios are constructed and managed here, one for small investors and one for Fund Managers.  The goal is to mildly outperform some main benchmarks over a business cycle (8 yrs?), 9 years, employing North American stocks and global bonds/currencies.  Furthermore, Social Responsible Investing will be maximized.  TKG is a student of B.Graham modified to reflect political and technology shocks.  None of W.Buffett’s management aptitude judgement, but nimbler portfolios.  Deducing growing industries/nations is similiar to W.Buffett's strategy of picking inductively proven earnings growth stability.  $1000000 CAD will be the starting cash for benchmark and Fund Manager portfolios, $10000 will be the poor boy's portfolio, to be multiplied by 100x in 9 years for comparison.  All converted into CAD after 9 years.  Arbitrarily assuming the big portfolios cost $10 CAD a trade and the little portfolio $20 CAD.  Figure out tax rates and what to do with dividends later.  Closing prices will be used.  Minimum and marginal purchase increments are respected.

TKG unskilled labourer Dec 6th/11 $10000 Portfolio:

TSE: LUN  buy 300 shares @ $4.25/share.  $8705 CAD remaining.

TKG Institutional Investor Dec 6/11 $1M Portfolio:

TSE: LUN buy 30000 shares @ $4.25/share.  $872 490 CAD remaining.

Benchmark competitor Investments (holding for 9 years): 

#1:  TSE: LUN  buy 235291 shares @ $4.25/share.  $3.25 CAD remaining.

#2:  USD buy 990904 @ 0.990914 CAD/USD exchange rate, Dec 6/11.
MUTF: VUSTX buy 737715 shares @ $13.43/share, Dec 6/11.  $901.54 USD remaining.

#3:  MUTF_CA:CIB484 buy 52852 shares @ 18.92/share.  $40.16 CAD remaining.

#4:  USD buy 990904 @ 0.990914 CAD/USD exchange rate, Dec 6/11.
MUTF:TAVIX buy 67392 shares @ 14.69/share, Dec 6/11.  $905.51 USD remaining.

#5:  USD buy 990904 @ 0.990914 CAD/USD exchange rate, Dec 6/11.
NYSE:GE buy 59263 shares @ 16.72/share, Dec 6/11.  $16.63 USD remaining.

#6:  USD buy 990904 @ 0.990914 CAD/USD exchange rate, Dec 6/11.
NYSE:BRK.b buy 12679 shares @ 78.15/share, Dec 6/11.  $30.08 USD remaining.